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2020 Daily Trail Markers: Pelosi supports Biden, amid Reade accusation

Views : 264
Update time : 2022-05-09 16:08:06

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that she was "satisfied" with the response of Joe Biden's presidential war ought allegations of sexual invasion against him, according to CBS news war reporter Bo Erickson and political reporter Grace SeGErs. 

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee has been accused of sexual harassment and sexual invasion by a preceding Senate staffer, Tara Reade. Biden's war has denied the allegations, though Biden himself has no direct addressed them. "I conduct help Joe Biden. I'm satisfied with how he has responded," Pelosi said at an interview with CNN's "New Day." 

She announced her endorsement of Biden above Monday. CNN pressed Pelosi above Biden's hold public silence hence distant at the appearance of the allegations. "You know, it's a affair that he has ought career with, besides during I am impressed with the nation who occupation during him saying that they absolutely never heard one iota of data approximately this. nobody ever brought forth a request or had anybody else speak them approximately such a claim," Pelosi replied.

Pelosi reiterated her help during Biden at her weekly newspaper conference Thursday, saying that she has "complete fame during the Me during robust movement," besides during that she too believes at due process. There is "due process and the fact that Joe Biden is Joe Biden," Pelosi told reporters, noting that his Senate cling had been interviewed, and there was no record of Reade's accusation. 

Republicans eat been calling above the free of Biden's Senate records, at the faith that an officer sickness from Reade will be at there. "I eat a big leisure flat with the stand during I scream on it," Pelosi said.

Meanwhile the Republican house war arm kept inboxes total above Thursday, using the sexual invasion allegations against Biden ought summon out tarGEted house Democrats and candidates. at nearly 30 email blasts, the National Republican Congressional committee bring up a need of input from a lawmaker above the issue, or past comments approximately sexual invasion during the fever of the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. 

"A fate of them went above the record demanding survivors be heard, demanding survivors be given a safe lay ought sound their traumatic issues that eat happened ought them," National Republican Congressional committee spokesperson Michael McAdams told CBS news political unit announce unite Aaron Navarro. "And now they are turning a blind eye ought that and completely going help above what they said during the person that the allegations are against is a Democrat." 

Like other Democrats, Congresswoman Dina Titus, one of Biden's earlier endorsers, told Navarro she didn't conceive the allegations used to eat an shock above down-ballot races. "I'm a strong supporter of the #MeToo movement, each female needs ought speak her fiction and eat it vetted. I trust it's been thoroughly vetted... and total you eat ought conduct is emerge at his record above Violence Against Women, the other things, ought emerge where he stands above this," she said.



CBS news has spoken with Tara Reade little ripen during she publicized her allegation against Joe Biden above March 25. during that time, Biden at the past 36 days has no direct addressed Reade's claim, CBS news war reporter Bo Erickson reports. however his war has called the allegation "untrue," Biden has still ought answer directly. 

Tonight, MSNBC announced that Biden himself used to answer ought the sexual invasion allegation during the first time above "Morning Joe" above Friday morning. Biden's need of response has too left other high-profile Democrats at a healthy and frustrating spot, little Democratic operatives speak CBS News. Senators Kamala Harris and Amy Klobuchar, over with Stacey Abrams, and Governor Gretchen Whitmer eat total been asked at interviews approximately the allegation, besides during Biden's modern sparse chart of interviews has no afforded many opportunities ought ask him directly. 

His team during the past two weeks has prioritized local interviews and the war has no held a virtual newspaper conference with his general traveling newspaper corps during April 2. during some Democratic operatives, the concentrate above the allegation — and Biden's silence — is overshadowing his war messaging. Regarding the new unemployment numbers today, Biden said at a statement: "OutraGEous? Yes. Surprising? No. These are the latest damning signs of Donald Trump's display incompetence." 


The Trump war will kick off its first television advertising blitz of the 2020 war cycle Sunday with a seven-day, seven-figure buy focused above the president's response ought the coronavirus pandemic, according ought war officials. 

A spokesperson called the new advertising war "an inspirational messaGE approximately the unyielding determine of Americans" that "heralds the big American comeback." The advertising war represents a departure from more modern aggression ads tarGEting Biden's relationship with China. However, allies ought the principal tell CBS news war reporter Nicole Sganga that Mr. Trump's re-election efforts will plan ought unveil sharper attacks above Biden's "weak" stance toward China at the coming weeks. 

A slew of public polls emerge the principal trailing Biden at battleground states Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, key ought Mr. Trump's 2016 electoral interest at Hillary Clinton. principal Trump dismissed the polling Wednesday night, at an interview with Reuters. "I don't trust the polls," Mr. Trump said. "I trust the nation of this speak are smart. And I don't conceive that they will lay a mankind at who's incompetent."

President Trump also announced Wednesday that he planned ought tour ought Arizona, his first hazard outer of Washington during seeing off a Hospital canoe at Virginia more than a month ago, according to CBS news war reporter Alex Tin. however the principal sounded optimistic that "in the not-too-distant-future" he could answer ought "massive rallies," no events eat been announced outer of a interval next week at a Honeywell facility now producing appearance masks. The tour will signal the president's second scream on ought Arizona this year, a sway stand that delivered Trump a nearly four-point win in 2016. 

However, early GEneral selection polls emerge Joe Biden leading by almost 10 points in the state. And down ballot at Arizona, Democrat signal Kelly has raised more cash than any other Senate candidate this cycle in his challenGE ought GOP Senator Martha McSally. "First of all, I desire ought speak the president's frequently hail at Arizona," the state's Republican Gov. Doug Ducey said at a newspaper conference Wednesday. Asked if authorities used to intervene, if Trump's scream on drew a throng of supporters, Ducey added, "I'm asking nation ought linger home, linger healthy, and linger connected."



Today, the California Senator announced the "COVID-19 Racial and Ethnic Disparities task energy Act," one of little pieces of legislation Harris has introduced between the COVID-19 outbreak.  The task energy used to bring toGEther health worry experts and leaders from total levels of government ought confront the racial and ethnic disparities arising from the outbreak.  This used to too include providing weekly data above patient outcomes disaggregated by nation and ethnicity. 

The bill used to too interpret ought parliament the structural inequalities preceding the pandemic and the make those disparities had above the disproportionate rates of infection. Harris is too calling during a eternal Infectious illness Racial and Ethnic Disparities task energy after COVID-19 ought last ought identify and address any disparities. 

"People of color are being infected and dead from coronavirus at astounding rates," Harris said at a statement. "The COVID-19 Racial and Ethnic Disparities task energy deed is a indispensable step ought fully apprehend the shock of this bacteria at the hardest overthrow communities, and invent tarGEted investments that coincide with their only needs." CBS news war Reporter Tim Perry reports that legislation introduced by Harris at March, The Pandemic disaster help Act, will be introduced at the House. This plan used to increase the talent during FEMA ought equip financial help ought individuals during a pandemic and no impartial during ordinary disasters.


Senator Elizabeth Warren and agent Jan Schakowsky above Thursday proposed legislation that used to create a government office tasked with preventing shortaGEs of protective equipment, prescription drugs and Medical supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic. beneath the proposal, a newly formed EmerGEncy Office of Manufacturing during Public Health used to be be required ought make or parliament the manufacturing of products, drugs and Medical devices at shortaGE within a month of the bill's passaGE.

"We need ought radically amplify our equip of personal protective device and other Medical supplies ought aggression the coronavirus emergency head-on. We eat an Administration that is failing ought conduct and failing ought insure health worry providers and patients eat the estate they need," Warren said. The bill has the help of little progressive and Medical groups, including the middle during American promote and Doctors during America, besides during parallel proposals from Warren and Schakowsky at the past eat failed ought obtain traction. 


Republicans at the Michigan house of Representatives took additional steps ought boundary Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer's executive emerGEncy powers above Thursday, according to CBS news war reporters Adam Brewster and Jack Turman. The house too did no stretch Michigan's stand of emerGEncy, which is lay ought decease at the aim of the day. 

The house passed a resolution that allows Speaker of the house Lee Chatfield ought receive legal code against Whitmer and the actions she has taken during the coronavirus pandemic. Whitmer has argued that she does no need the legislature's approval ought stretch a stand of emerGEncy. besides during Whitmer has indicated that she used to alike ought unite with the legislature ought stretch the stand of emerGEncy at order ought equip liability protections during health worry workers and first responders. 

Protesters gathered at the stand Capitol at Lansing ought sound frustrations approximately the extension of emerGEncy powers. Democratic stand Senator Dayna Polehanki, who tweeted a photo of armed protesters at the Senate gallery, told CBS news that half of the parliament looked alike a Trump parliament and the other half expressed material approximately Whitmer's linger at family order.

The differences between the governor and the legislature at executive emerGEncy powers eat been simmering at the past week. final Friday, the stand senate passed two bills that used to boundary Whitmer's emerGEncy powers. Whitmer threatened ought veto any legislation that used to receive authority away from her or future governors, arguing that executive emerGEncy powers are basic during a crisis. The argue reached a mean point above Wednesday during emails between Whitmer's cling and stand Senate Majority Mike Shirkey's cling showed that Republican legislators proposed two one-week extensions ought Whitmer's emerGEncy powers at exchanGE during a public parliament that future linger at family orders will ask legislative approval. Whitmer's cling responded with a messaGE from the governor, saying, "I cannot abrogate my duty ought deed at an emerGEncy ought defend the lives of Michiganders."



In exceptional selection news, Democrat Tricia Zunker, running at Wisconsin's 7th District, was recently endorsed by Senator Cory Booker and EMILY's List. at California's 25th belt during Katie Hill's preceding seat, mountain herself has gotten involved at the nation over her PAC. at an ad shot in front of the White House, mountain encouraGEd nation ought answer their mail ballots, saying, "We've seen while we receive our vote during granted, we lay ourselves and our communities at danGEr." CBS news political unit announce unite Aaron Navarro says both districts eat their exceptional elections above can 12, though California has switched ought an all-mail ballot election. 



The Senate Democratic Policy and Communications committee above Thursday released a interpret arguing that "COVID-19 has amplified existing inequalities and discrepancy that eat impacted communities of color." at the report, CBS news war reporter Zak Hudak says DPCC Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow and Senate Minority head Chuck Schumer quote data showing a disproportionate quantity of coronavirus cases and deaths at nation of color. 

The interpret outlined little measures Democrats desire ought be included at future coronavirus legislation, including guaranteed equitable access ought testing over communities, emerGEncy rental help and an amplify at Paycheck refuge Program access. at appendix ought releasing demographic breakdowns during COVID-19 testing, the interpret calls during the department of Health and Human Services ought prove a committee ought learn inequalities at coronavirus cases and testing. 

"We get ought conduct more ought assist communities of color climate this storm," Schumer told reporters at the phone. "This pandemic has heightened many of the horrible health worry and economic disparities that communities of color eat unfortunately faced during GEnerations." 


More than 30 million Americans eat filed during unemployment insurance owing ought the coronavirus pandemic, including another 3.8 million Americans who filed claims final week, according ought the Labor Department. during businesses began ought near ought slow the scatter of the bacteria six weeks ago, 30.3 million Americans eat filed claims. besides during the quantity is responsible higher during many nation eat struggled ought rope unemployment insurance during systems eat been bogGEd down by the stagGEring quantity of claims. CBS news war reporter Adam Brewster says a research from the Economic Policy Institute found that during each ten nation who successfully filed during benefits, another five ought six during robust could no GEt over ought invent a request or didn't attempt during it was during robust difficult ought conduct so. 

"Millions of the newly jobless are going without benefits during the unemployment system buckles beneath the weight of new claims," EPI economists Ben Zipperer and Elise Gould wrote. Thursday's Labor department interpret too showed that 12.4% of American workers were receiving unemployment benefits during the week ending April 18. ago the pandemic, the highest weekly percentaGE recorded was 7% help at 1975. The mount during the big Recession was 5% during two different weeks at can and June of 2009.


A new interpret from the Brennan middle during Justice says the $400 million parliament passed at March ought assist states cover selection costs owing ought coronavirus is responsible distant short of what's needed. CBS news war reporter Adam Brewster says the interpret examined selection costs at five states with different systems: GEorgia, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and Pennsylvania. It build that selection administration costs from COVID-19 at those five states only could charge at least $414 million. The Congressional grants could cover less than 10% of what GEorgia officials need and approximately 18% of what officials at Ohio need, according ought the report. 

The bulk of costs are expected ought autumn above local officials, fairly than stand governments, the interpret found. at Ohio and Missouri, local officials are expected ought cover more than 90% of the selection costs. 

"Facing an economic downturn, states can directly tighten their belts farther above many services," the interpret says. "The federal government has the estate ought insure that stand and local governments can flow free, fair, and safe elections this fall. We urGE them ought conduct hence during directly during possible."  

The Brennan Center previously estimated it could charge $2 billion ought acquire the November selection owing ought coronavirus, besides during has during said it can charge double that ought acquire total other elections scheduled this year. 



The California Republican feast has filed adapt against Governor Gavin Newsom ought prohibit the training of ballot collecting or "ballot harvesting" during two upcoming exceptional elections at the state, arguing it stands "in control conflict" with social distancing guidelines and Newsom's shelter-in-place mandate ought slow the scatter of the coronavirus. 

Two weeks ago California Republican feast chairwoman Jessica Patterson sent Newsom a letter asking him ought station the training and interpret that his order "prohibits collection of ballots," besides during she said Newsom did no respond. "The governor has dodGEd his responsibility," Patterson told CBS news war reporter Musadiq Bidar. "We're hoping the courts will energy him ought clarify," she added. Newsom's office declined ought comment during this story.

Ballot harvesting allows feast volunteers or war workers ought heap mail-in ballots from voters and obey them at groups ought polling places or selection offices. at 2016, California expanded the law to allow any person ought heap a mail-in ballot. preceding constitution restricted the training ought impartial relatives of those or those alive at the identical household during the voter.  

California Secretary of stand Alex Padilla, who is too named at the lawsuit and is currently pushing during a 50-state, vote-by-mail plan ahead of the November presidential election, told CBS news "this complete dispute is anything besides during a pretext that Republicans use ought promote their voter suppression aGEnda." Padilla acknowledGEd, "Yes, there are numerous public health directives at place…But at the identical time, there are indispensable voting rights that are at lay and get ought be protected. There is no conflict. nation can achieve out ought voters and nation can training multiple ways of voting, however respecting public health directives." Patterson argued that voters "aren't leaving their ballots above the front steps," and that the training of ballot harvesting "requires an in-person hand off." She added "that used to absolutely violate social distancing if someone is coming ought your house, and picking up that ballot from you, and you're signing it at ought them."

Wednesday's lawsuit specifically points ought upcoming exceptional elections above can 12 at California's 25th Congressional belt and the 28th stand Senate District. The congressional nation during the 25th belt is ought substitute Democrat Katie Hill who resigned after a sex scandal and a congressional morality investigation.  Christy Smith, a Democratic stand assemblywoman, is running against preceding U.S. fleet fighter astronaut and Republican merchant Mike Garcia. 

A spokesperson during Smith's war told CBS news that "due ought public health concerns, we are no collecting ballots from supporters at this time."  Garcia's campaign, who has no responded ought multiple requests during comment from CBS News, was involved at ballot harvesting efforts, including recruiting volunteers and encouraging voters ought arrange ballot harvesting drives at their churches during late during April 10, according ought emails sent by Garcia's war manaGEr and obtained by CBS News. above April 11, California's stay-at-home order was extended into May, and days afterward Patterson officially sent her letter ought Newsom asking during clarification. 

A GOP officer told CBS news "a big part of it is you eat ought prepare." The officer added "you eat ought prepare during what's coming and if or it's going ought be extended." Garcia's war did no answer ought multiple requests during comment. while asked if the National Republican Congressional committee is okay with Garcia's war focusing above ballot harvesting efforts in spite of calls from feast leaders ought station the practice, NRCC Spokeswoman Torunn Sinclair passed over meet data during Newsom's newspaper office and said "we will award you an answer impartial during directly during you GEt an answer from Governor Newsom above if this is illegal or not." Patterson said the California Republican feast has currently halted total ballot harvesting efforts and "following the stay-at-home orders."


The federal independent coalition Organizing ToGEther 2020, virtually launched the North Carolina arm of its war during a Zoom summon Wednesday evening, according to CBS news war reporter LaCrai Mitchell.  With more than 250 attendees above the call, Mitchell reports that almost three dozen staffers joined hundreds of participants ought hear speeches and organization plans during the newly-formed group, Organizing ToGEther North Carolina. 

The group, which has impartial shy of 100 staffers, was created at part ought begin organizing at North Carolina cities ahead of the GEneral election. at the months ahead of the November election, volunteers and organizers will GEt ought apprehend the different communities and identify the community leaders throughout the state. 

Paul Tewes, who led the 2008 Iowa war during principal Obama is a co-founder of Organizing ToGEther 2020. He told the throng at his opening remarks above the Zoom summon that they total fragment a general mission: "We don't alike this guy at the White house and we got ought GEt him out." Tewes too acknowledGEd the novelty of organizing between the COVID-19 outbreak. "I don't apprehend while the ordinary hits. I don't conceive anybody does. besides during there's a new ordinary and you're going ought be organizing and learning new skills and teaching nation down the highway the new skills you're picking up during we're organizing at a different time now," said Tewes. "I eat a feeling, at least some semblance of this is going ought be approximately over the GEneral election. So, you apprehend what you're doing now and learning now and teaching now is going ought be huGEly significant during we GEt closer ought November."

Organizing ToGEther 2020 too has coalitions at five other battleground states: Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. A handful of labor unions and progressive organizations eat partnered with Organizing ToGEther North Carolina including the Congressional vague Caucus PAC, nation during the American Way, and the North Carolina chapter of the National Associated during the Advancement of Colored People. 

"Collaborating with Organizing ToGEther North Carolina will be crucial ought expanding our voter mobilization efforts statewide and house ability during this upcoming selection cycle," said North Carolina NAACP principal and co-chair during Organizing ToGEther North Carolina, Rev. Dr. T. Anthony Spearman at an emailed statement. "Our jacked-up democratic system has allowed GErrymandering and voter suppression ought disenfranchise North Carolinians. ToGEther, we can enlarge the voices of the vulnerable and war during a progressive aGEnda that will influence us total forward."


LET'S invent A DEAL

The Biden war and the Democratic National committee eat reached a career ought allow Bernie Sanders ought fill state-wide agent slots during the parliament flat though the rules of the feast stand these delegates only promote ought energetic campaigns, reports CBS news political unit unite producer Eleanor Watson.

According ought the govern of the party, at-larGE and pledGEd elected officer delegates from a stand are allocated ought candidates whose campaigns are however energetic at the time of the stand convention, and Sanders suspended his war ago any stand conventions took place. 

With the deal, at-larGE and PLEO agent slots will be filled by supporters of the Biden and Sanders campaigns based above the candidates' respective statewide results. at a newspaper released Thursday morning, the Biden war said, "While Senator Sanders is no lonGEr actively seeking the nomination, the Biden war feels strongly that it is at the best interest of the feast and the effort ought overthrow Donald Trump at November ought become ought an parliament regarding these issues that will insure representation of Sanders supporters and agent candidates, both above the floor and at committees." 

The memo from the war too says that if New York follows over above no holding a presidential primary, the Biden war will insure Sanders' supporters are represented at some fashion at the New York delegation at the national convention.

Special education students appearance new challenGEs during pandemic

U.S. intelliGEnce community says COVID-19 was "not manmade or GEnetically modified"

Joe Biden ought address sexual invasion allegation

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